Thursday, August 16, 2012


A ridiculous amount has happened here in the past month. The good and the bad, the impossible and the incredibly easy. Not only have I just found out that I get to stay in Breckenridge for the ski season, but I'm also not going to be out of school! Online classes are in my future and I'm actually so excited to get back into the student state of mind. 

Being a student for me has always just been a way of life - and when I found out that I might not be able to take classes this Fall I almost had a break down. Yeah, summer is great when you don't have any homework or tests, but I am a super motivated person who wants to get my education out of the way ASAP. 

I miss life two years ago, when I was going into my Senior Year and life was actually perfection. Nothing had gone wrong and the most traumatic experience in my life so far had been break ups with short-term high school boyfriends. I can't even imagine my life ever being that easy again, and that makes me kind of sad. I have to make so many life choices lately - involving school, money, living situations, relationships, and everything else a normal adult has to deal with. I guess it is a good wake-up call, but most of my friends aren't going to have to deal with this transition for a few more years. It is definitely making me a stronger individual though, and when the time comes for me to finish school and move out for real, I know I'll be prepared and ready to take on anything. 

Let's swing back to the present really quick - Connor and I are headed to Red Rocks amphitheater tomorrow for a Pretty Lights concert! Can you say pumped?! We already saw Pretty Lights back in May at The Gorge in Washington, but this is the DJ's home state and venue - it's going to be insane. We were also hoping to go to a Seahawks vs. Broncos game on Saturday but the guy on Craigslist we were going to pick up the tickets from sold them... Super reliable people you find on the internet. Therefore, we're either going to try to find more people or just not go. It would kind of suck, because we were super excited - but life happens sometimes, and you can't always get what you want. 

I'm going to throw some pictures on here from the past few adventures I've been having while living my Summit County Summer. 

Hiking the Continental Divide a few weeks ago


Hiking back down Mt. Baldy we ran into these little guys! I've never seen mountain goats before and was freaking out. The hike had points over 13,000 by the way.

The rodeo came to town! I was finally able to let the cowgirl in me out for the first time this summer.

Oh, and it's our official three month anniversary today. Yay!

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